Columbia Gas of Kentucky is preparing for the winter heating season and is urging customers to do the same. While we communicate this message to our customers every year, it is of special importance for the coming heating season because wholesale natural gas prices have risen significantly.
Although Columbia Gas makes no profit from the gas it buys for its customers, we are aware that these increases will likely mean higher winter heating bills than consumers have experienced in recent years.
The reason for this recent rise in gas costs is a textbook example of supply and demand. As the economy rebounds from the pandemic the demand for natural gas is increasing while production and storage inventories in the U.S. and Europe are lagging behind.
We recognize that some customers may find themselves in need of assistance during the winter heating season and possibly beyond. If a customer is struggling financially, it’s important that they reach out to us at columbiagasky.com/assistance so we can place their account on one of our flexible payment plans. We may also be able to connect them to external assistance programs, like LIHEAP and WinterCare, which are administered by local community action agencies.