
The Kentucky Center for Statistics (KYSTATS) collects and links data to evaluate education and workforce efforts in the Commonwealth. This includes developing reports, responding to research requests, and providing statistical data about these efforts so policymakers, practitioners, and the general public can make better informed decisions.

Below is a collection of reports you will find useful to learn more about Workforce in the TENCO area. You can view all reports developed by KYSTATS at:

Work Ready Communities

A Kentucky Work Ready Community certification is a measure of a county’s workforce quality. This interactive report helps communities assess their progress in achieving the Work Ready criteria.

Workforce Overview Report for Kentucky Regions (WORKR)

This interactive quarterly report provides a snapshot of Kentucky’s workforce at the state and local levels by bringing together data from Kentucky’s Labor Market Information branch.

Kentucky Future Skills Report

This interactive report provides data to help Kentuckians answer the following: How many jobs will Kentucky need to fill during the next five years? What will those jobs pay? Do we have the right mix of workers and skills to fill those jobs? Also, new to this report is the expanded demand section “Specific Occupations,” which provides a profile for each selected occupation and a sortable list within each area of Kentucky.

Commuting Patterns Report

Nearly 2 million people commute to or from Kentucky for their primary job — where are they going? This interactive report shows commuting patterns for each county in Kentucky, allowing users to view where people are coming from and going to for work.

Kentucky Workforce Dashboard

The Kentucky Workforce Dashboard is a user-friendly tool that local workforce areas can use to inform the impact of services in their area.

Kentucky Legislative Dashboard

This interactive report displays data for legislative districts. Topics covered in this report include a variety of economic, health, housing, and education metrics. Users are able to compare legislative districts and counties. Trends are displayed for many metrics for legislative districts.

Family Resource Simulator

Explore sixteen family scenarios taken from the Family Resource Simulator covering Central, Eastern, and Western Kentucky for single parent and two parent households with one and two children. This interactive report will show you where families receive what tax credits and work supports as well as expenses and net resources at $500 increments.

Economic Activity Report

This interactive report allows users to explore economic trends among industries, business establishments, and individuals in Kentucky.

Labor Force and Unemployment

Labor force and unemployment estimates are produced by KYSTATS Local Area Unemployment Statistics (LAUS) program in cooperation with the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Users should note that both seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted monthly estimates are available for the state and nation, while annual and sub-state level estimates are not seasonally adjusted. All estimates are subject to periodic revision. In addition, published state and sub-state estimates for the most recent available month are preliminary.