The TENCO Workforce Development Board is responsible for the development and distribution of the Regional/Local Workforce Plan and the Local Strategic Plan. Both plans include business, community, and partner agency involvement.

The Regional/Local Workforce Plan template is provided through the Kentucky Office of Employment and Training. The local workforce board in coordination with the core partners (Adult Education and Literacy, Vocational Rehabilitation, Wagner – Peyser, and Workforce) identify the local initiatives, activities, and projects that align with the requirements and purpose of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

The Strategic Plan provides local data, identifies high-demand and high-wage occupational sectors for the local area, recognizes strengths and obstacles facing the local community, determines resources available, and sets goals/action steps of the local board. The Strategic Plan is a community plan, developed through interaction and conversation with many business, residents, and agency representatives. Goals are developed in order to strengthen the economic and workforce system for both business and job-seekers.
