Who Are We

The Kentucky Career Center (KCC) – TENCO…

is a one-stop shop for individuals and businesses needing assistance with workforce solutions. Our career centers are available in four locations: Ashland, Maysville, Morehead, and Mt. Sterling; serving 10 counties: Bath, Boyd, Bracken, Fleming, Greenup, Lewis, Mason, Montgomery, Robertson, and Rowan. The Workforce Development Board, operating under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014, provides oversight for all services provided through the Kentucky Career Centers – TENCO.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to assist community and industry leaders, as well as economic developers, to facilitate positive solutions for workplace issues, and to improve the economic well-being of the region.

Vision Statement

The TENCO Workforce Investment Board works to create a highly skilled, knowledgeable and creative workforce that attracts new businesses and enhances the success of existing businesses, resulting in additional employment opportunities at competitive wages.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Explained

WIOA is landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation’s public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers.

President Barack Obama signed the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) into law on July 22, 2014. WIOA is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Congress passed the Act by a wide bipartisan majority; it is the first legislative reform in 15 years of the public workforce system.

WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In general, the Act takes effect on July 1, 2015, the first full program year after enactment, unless otherwise noted. The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) will issue further guidance on the timeframes for implementation of these changes and proposed regulations reflecting the changes in WIOA soon after enactment.

WIOA brings together, in strategic coordination, the core programs of Federal investment in skill development:

  • employment and training services for adults, dislocated workers, and youth and Wagner-Peyser employment services administered by the Department of Labor (DOL) through formula grants to states; and
  • adult education and literacy programs and Vocational Rehabilitation state grant programs that assist individuals with disabilities in obtaining employment administered by the Department of Education (DoED).

WIOA also authorizes programs for specific vulnerable populations, including the Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native Americans, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs as well as evaluation and multistate projects administered by DOL. In addition, WIOA authorizes other programs administered by DoED and the Department of Health and Human Services.

WIOA replaces the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 and retains and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

More information pertaining to WIOA can be found at https://www.doleta.gov/wioa/overview.cfm.

Responsibilities of the TENCO Workforce Development Board

  1. Oversee the five (5) year Strategic and Local and Regional Workforce Plan as mandated.
  2. Conduct oversight of the workforce delivery system under the authority of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.
  3. Ensure that there is a Memorandum of Understanding with workforce development system partners for the implementation and operation of the service delivery system in the local area.
  4. Certify Kentucky Career Centers – TENCO comprehensive center, affiliate, and satellite sites.
  5. Promote quality efficient customer service throughout the regional system.
  6. Ensure that there is an Infrastructure Funding Agreement with WIOA and non-WIOA required partners to support the workforce development system.
  7. Conduct regional Labor Market Analysis.
  8. Convene, broker, and leverage resources with community stakeholders.
  9. Engage employers.
  10. Develop Career Pathway opportunities.
  11. Identify, promote, and disseminate proven and promising practices.
  12. Maximize accessibility and effectiveness through technology.
  13. Provide program oversight in partnership with the Chief Elected Officials.
  14. Negotiate Performance Measures for the Local Area in partnership with the Chief Elected Official and Governor.
  15. Select Operators and Providers of Services including the One-Stop Operator(s), Eligible Providers of Career Services, Youth Providers, and Eligible Training Providers.
  16. Coordinate services with Education Providers.
  17. Develop and oversee the budget and administration of career center funds with approval from the Chief Elected Official.
  18. Ensure accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

Responsibilities of the One-Stop Operator (OSO)

  1. The OSO will provide services in accordance with WIOA local, state, and federal guidance policies and procedures.
  2. Coordinate service delivery between multiple partner agencies in all centers in the area.
  3. Oversee and evaluate general operations.
  4. Streamline services through common intake, referral procedures, team-based case management, and other initiatives.
  5. Evaluate quality and quantity of services provided.
  6. Develop, implement, and evaluate system and Career Center goals.
  7. Assist with the development and implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding, Infrastructure Funding Agreements, and other KCC system agreements.
  8. Convene and facilitate regular quarterly partner meetings. The OSO will provide advance notice of all meetings and will be cognizant of partner’s time and ability to attend. Attendance at meetings is strongly encouraged but not mandatory.
  9. Establish regular communication modes with all partners and front-line staff.
  10. Ensure that each center and services are accessible for all customers.
  11. Assist with coordination of partnerships among agencies to ensure a holistic array of services are available without duplication.
  12. Ensure technology is utilized at its maximum potential in order to provide alternative avenues for service delivery.
  13. Ensure staff receive the necessary training and resources for continued improvement.Report to the Career Center Committee and local board.
  14. Prepare Career Centers for certification.

Responsibilities of TENCO Partner Agencies

  1. The Partner Agencies will strategically work to support workforce development system integration and maximize connections among job seekers, workers, businesses, and employers. Each agency agrees to actively support the governance structure of the MOU.
  2. Ensure continuous improvement of the workforce system through evaluating customer satisfaction and analyzing performance outcomes. The partner agency should report back on the type of evaluation that is used in customer satisfaction. Physically co-located partners in the center will utilize a customer satisfaction survey that provides an ability for customers to address their experience with any agency represented at the center.
  3. Promote the further integration of programs through joint planning and cross-education of staff by conducting regular partner meetings and trainings. These trainings and meetings facilitate better understanding of programs by each partner, including weekly center meetings, guest speakers from partner programs, and workshops designed to help customers and staff understand the resources available to them.
  4. Align partner organizations in relation to planning and conducting joint functions.
  5. Jointly identify and support workforce skill standards and industry performance measures to drive common outcomes.
  6. Coordinate resources and programs while promoting a more streamlined and efficient workforce development system.
  7. Promote information sharing and the coordination of activities to improve customer service, improve local partners’ performance and return on investment while maintaining confidentiality of customer information.
  8. Identify and address barriers to coordination.
  9. Promote and support the development and implementation of a more unified system of measuring performance and accountability through the use of a common referral systems and integrated technology platforms.
  10. Promote and support the development of the KEE Suite data system.
  11. Make career services provided under the partner’s program available to individuals through the Area’s KCC delivery system.
  12. Physically co-located partners will participate in infrastructure cost-sharing activities and use a portion of funds made available to each partner’s program – to the extent allowable with the federal law that authorizes each partner program to create and maintain the KCC delivery system and provide career services per WIOA Section 134(c)(2).
  13. Promote priority of service to veterans and covered spouses for any qualified job training program pursuant to the Jobs for Veterans Act prescribed in 38 USC 4215.
  14. Utilize a single point of contact for businesses, following the plan developed by the Business Service Team in relation to outreach, contact, and follow up of business services.
  15. Improve or expand technology allowing for flexibility and enhancement of services.

WIOA One-Stop Partner Programs

Section 121(b)(1)(B) of WIOA identifies the entities that are required partners in the local one-stop delivery systems.

The required partners are the entities responsible for administering the following programs in the local area:


Adult Education and Literacy

Kentucky Office of Adult Education monitors the Adult Education and Literacy programs are available in each of the TENCO counties. Individuals may participate in these services free of charge. Services are available to help individual’s brush-up on their math, reading, and/or language skills. Many college bound individuals utilize the Adult Education and Literacy to assist in improving their skill levels prior to taking the Compass and/or ACT. Adult Education and Literacy also helps with computer technology skills, WorkKeys (NCRC) assessment, and GED preparation. Visit the State website at www.kyae.ky.gov or contact your local office:

Bath County Adult Education
Alicia Wilson, Instructor
[email protected]
19 Water Street, Owingsville KY
Center Open Monday – Friday, call for appointment to get started

Boyd County Adult Education
1400 College Drive
Ashland, KY 41101
Sherry Combs, Lead Instructor
[email protected]

Greenup County Adult Education
614 Main Street
Greenup, KY 41144
Leeann Branham, Lead Instructor
[email protected]

Montgomery County Adult Education
Harrison Stone, Instructor
[email protected]
640 Woodford Dr, Mt. Sterling KY

Morgan County Adult Education
Verinda Rose, Instructor
[email protected]
155 University Drive, West Liberty KY
Center open Monday- Friday, Call for appointment to get started

Powell County Adult Education
Shira Kopel, Instructor
[email protected]
691 Breckinridge Street, Stanton KY
Center open Monday – Friday, call for appointment to get started

Rowan County Adult Education
Opal Fannin, Assistant Director/Instructor
[email protected]
627 East Main St, Morehead KY
Center Open Monday – Friday, call for appointment to get started

Wolfe County Adult Education
Angela Adkins, Instructor
[email protected]
Connection sites in Campton KY
Times/locations vary, call for appointment to get started


Adult/Dislocated Worker/Youth Services (WIOA Title I)

The WIOA program provides assistance to those entering the workforce for the first time, already in the workforce but looking for a better job, and/or those who have lost their jobs and are looking for work. Any individual can utilize WIOA services such as resume writing, practice interviewing, and workforce preparation workshops. There are eligibility requirements for specialty services such as:

  • Scholarships for training – see the sector tab on this website to learn more about high-demand, high-wage occupations supported through the TENCO WIOA.
  • Support services – individuals who are attending training may be eligible for funds to assist with gas money, child care reimbursement, supplies required for their training program, and/or testing fees.
  • On-the-Job training – individuals can be placed in jobs that match their interest and receive the same pay as other employees in that job while the employer ensures the employee is a good fit in their business environment.
  • Internships – a paid job placement program that provides the individual with an opportunity to experience employment in specific businesses and occupations.
  • Youth – youth receive a specialized and highly intensive list of available services. See the youth tab on this website to learn more about specialized youth services available through WIOA.

Workforce Career Counselors are available at all of the Kentucky Career Centers in the TENCO area and are employed by FIVCO Area Development District.

Adult/DW/Youth Counselors

KCC Ashland
1844 Carter Ave, Ashland Ky
Michelle Sloas
[email protected]

KCC Maysville
201 Government Street, Maysville
Dena Green
[email protected]

KCC Morehead
1225 US HWY 60 W, Suite 106, Morehead, KY
Tiffany Parker
[email protected]

KCC Mt. Sterling
200 Oak Grove Drive, Mt. Sterling, Ky
Tiffany Parker
[email protected]

Business Service Coordinators

KCC Ashland
Kara Keibler
[email protected]

KCC Maysville
Sarah Gallenstein
[email protected]

KCC Morehead & Mt. Sterling
Tierra Blevins
[email protected]


Career and Technical Education (Post-Secondary Education) (Perkins Act)

The purpose of the Act is to develop more fully the academic, career, and technical skills of secondary and postsecondary students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs.

There are three public post-secondary institutions in the TENCO local area. These include Maysville Community and Technical College (MCTC), Ashland Community and Technical College (ACTC), and Morehead State University (MSU).

Ashland Community and Technical College

With thirty programs (certificate, diploma, and Associate level) to choose from, ACTC provides career programs for individuals seeking entry level positions and those seeking to advance in their careers in both professional and technical fields. ACTC has three campuses in Boyd County to meet the needs of the tri-state. ACTC also provides opportunities for higher education through classroom, online, evening, and/or ITV classes. Visit ACTC’s website for more information: ashland.kctcs.edu

Robin Harris
[email protected]

Chris Boggs
[email protected]

Maysville Community & Technical College

MCTC provides the region with opportunity for higher education with their three locations within our local area: Maysville, Morehead, and Mt. Sterling. The college provides individuals with an opportunity to complete certificate, diploma, and/or Associate Degree programs through classroom, online, evening and/or ITV classes. MCTC also provides short term workforce and educational programs geared to meeting the needs of the local businesses.  Visit MCTC website for more information: maysville.kctcs.edu

Cindy Hurt, Apprenticeship Coordinator
[email protected]

Lenora Kinney, Director of Workforce Solutions
[email protected]

Angie Potter, Coordinator of Career Services
[email protected]

Lori Sorrell [email protected]

Morehead State University

MSU has three locations within our local area: Morehead, Mt. Sterling, and Ashland. Morehead offers Associate, Bachelor, Master, Education Specialist and Doctoral programs through a variety of methods, including classroom, ITV, online, and evening. MSU offers 141 undergraduate programs and 73 graduate programs, including one completely online program – Master of Business Administration. Morehead State was recognized for the 12th consecutive year as one of the top public universities in the South in the 2016 edition of “America’s Best Colleges” by U.S. News & World Report. Visit MSU’s website for more information: moreheadstate.edu.


Chamber of Commerce

Ashland Alliance
Tim Gibbs, President/CEO
1730 Winchester Avenue
Ashland, KY 41105
[email protected]

Maysville – Mason County Chamber of Commerce
Kaci Compton, Executive Director
20 East Third Street
Maysville, KY 41056
[email protected]

Morehead – Rowan County Chamber of Commerce
Jason Slone, President/CEO
150 E First Street
Morehead, KY 40351
[email protected]

Mt. Sterling Chamber of Commerce
Jason Rainey, Executive Director
124 N Maysville Street
Mt. Sterling, KY 40353
[email protected]


Community Service Block Grants

The purpose of the Community Service Block Grants, often offered through local Community Action Programs, is to reduce poverty, revitalize low-income communities, and empower low-income families and individuals in rural and urban areas to become fully self-sufficient.
CSBG funds may be used to support activities that area designed to assist low-income, elderly, migrant or seasonal farm workers, homeless individuals, and families with securing and maintain meaningful employment, attaining an adequate education, obtaining and maintaining adequate housing, obtaining emergency services and removing obstacles that block the achievement of self-sufficiency. CSBG funds can be used to help individuals transitioning off the K-TAP.

Northeast Kentucky Community Action Agency
David Carroll, Executive Director
21039 W. US 60
Olive Hill, KY 41164
Phone: 606-286-4443
Fax: 606-286-6733

Licking Valley Community Action Program
Judy Planck, Executive Director
203 High Street
Flemingsburg, KY 4101
Phone: 606-845-0081
Fax: 606-845-0418

Gateway Community Action Program
Charlene Engle, Executive Director
151 University Drive
P.O. Box 367
West Liberty, KY 41472
Phone: 606-743-3133
Fax: 606-743-1130


Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

HUDs mission is to have quality affordable housing for all. Programs include working with veterans looking for housing, homeless population, disaster relief programs, transitional programs, and can provide assistance on equal opportunity and discrimination issues in housing.
For more information view the following website: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/states/kentucky


Contact the Field Office Director for Kentucky, Christopher Taylor, at 502-582-5251

HUD Employment and Training Programs provide employment opportunities, training, and supportive services to assist low income persons in becoming self-sufficient through multiple programs.


Job Corps

Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.

Admission Counselors

Elizabeth Adams
Cell: 606-791-0954
[email protected]
fax: 606-314-0420
Counties Served: Bracken, Carter, Elliott, Fleming, Greenup, Lewis, Mason, Montgomery, Robertson, Rowan

Julia Bush
Office: 606-768-7051
Cell: 606-791-8681
[email protected]
Fax: 606-879-0491
Counties Served: Bath, Estill, Harrison, Menifee, Morgan, Powell, Rowan, Wolfe

Sabrina Hayden
Office: 606-433-5336
Cell: 606-339-5045
[email protected]
Fax: 606-314-0420
Counties Served: Boyd, Breathitt, Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Knott, Magoffin, Martin, Pike


Jobs for Veterans

Service to our Veterans and their spouses are a priority. Individuals specialized in Veteran services are available to assist in the TENCO area.

Local Veteran’s Employment Representatives (LVERS) assist with employment services, counseling, assessments/testing, and identifying training opportunities. They also made direct job referrals and ensure that priority for job referrals, as established through the Department of Labor, are provided. The LVER works directly with the Department of Veterans Affairs to identify any special equipment that might be necessary for a veteran to improve their employ-ability.

Disabled Veteran’s Outreach Program (DVOP) are specialists who link Veterans with service-connected disabilities with job and training opportunities Their services include developing apprenticeship and on-the-job training opportunities. DVOP specialists also provide case management for Veterans and are available to assist with job retention.

More information can be found about Veteran services at dol.gov/vets and hirevetsfirst.dol.gov.

The Career Center Portal careeronestop.org/militarytransition provides comprehensive career information including on-line tools to assist Veterans in transitioning to civilian occupations. These services include:

  • Matching military experience to civilian occupations by key word or MOC code.
  • Translate military skills and experience into civilian credentials.
  • Writing a resume.
  • Locating additional Veteran resources.

Priority of Service for Veterans and Spouses means Veterans and eligible spouses receive employment and training services provided through Department of Labor Funds before non-covered individuals.


Ky Veterans Program Contact:
Michael Blakney
[email protected]


National Farmworker Jobs Program

This program is aimed at educating and training farmworkers into jobs that allow them to earn an income to sustain themselves and their families. The program provides an opportunity for migrant and seasonal farm workers who are U.S. citizens to participate in education beyond high school or GED to secure employment in a more stable field of work. Services include farmworker housing assistance, career counseling, work experience, classroom training, on the job training, job search assistance, and emergency assistance to address the immediate needs of the farmworker and family.

Michiel Hunter
[email protected]


Second Chance Act of 2007

In April 2008, Congress passed the Second Chance Act, first-of-its-kind legislation enacted with bipartisan support and backed by a broad spectrum of leaders in law enforcement, corrections, courts, behavioral health, and other areas. The Second Chance Act represents a federal investment in strategies to reduce recidivism and increase public safety, as well as to reduce corrections costs for state and local governments. The bill authorized up to $165 million in federal grants to state, local, and tribal government agencies and nonprofit organizations to fund initiatives and programs to address these goals.

Since 2009, more than 840 Second Chance Act grant awards have been made to government agencies and nonprofit organizations from 49 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories for reentry programs serving adults and juveniles. As of December 2017, an estimated 164,000 people returning to their community after incarceration have participated in these programs. Grantees provide vital services—including employment training and assistance, substance use treatment, education, housing, family programming, mentoring, victims support, and other services—to make a person’s transition from prison or jail safer and more successful. The grants also support the improvement of corrections and supervision practices that aim to reduce recidivism. The Second Chance Act’s grant programs are funded and administered by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs.

FIVCO Reentry Council

Meets first Thursday of every month at 1:00 pm at ACTC Workforce Solutions Building. Chair is Josh Long.

Northeast Reentry Council

Meets first Monday of every month at 1:30 pm at MSU CHER Building. Chair is Opal Fannin.

Department of Corrections Reentry Employment Program Administrators

Melissa Handley
[email protected]

Richard Price
[email protected]


Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP)

SCCEP is an employment training program for low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 years and older. The program provides subsidized, part-time work experience for a limited time through community service. Participants in the program learn new skills and talents, or enhance existing skills, through valuable work experience and other training to become competitive in today’s workforce.

Big Sandy Community Action Program

Serves: Elliott, Floyd, Johnson, Lawrence, Letcher, Magoffin, Martin, Pike, and Rowan counties.
Director: Donnie Wallen
[email protected]
Local Contact: Randy Wilson
[email protected]

Northern Kentucky Community Action Commission

Director: Wendy Hayden
[email protected]

Southwestern Community Action Council

Serves: Boyd
Jason Miller
[email protected]


Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

The Department for Community Based services administer TANF, which is a workforce development and employment program. It is temporary and has a primary focus on gaining self-sufficiency through employment. The program helps participants reach this goal by providing transportation, child care assistance, education, job training, employment activities, and other support services. Temporary cash assistance is also provided to families with dependent children when at least one parent is incapacitated, unemployed, deceased, or absent from the home, and the family is unable to pay for essential living expenses.

For more information regarding services and eligibility you can view the website http://chfs.ky.gov or contact the DCBS office at: 855-306-8959.


Trade Adjustment Assistance Service (TAA)

The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program is a federal program that assist U.S. workers who have lost or may lose their job as a result of foreign trade. This program provides workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to secure other employment.

The goal of the TAA program is to get individuals back into work as quickly as possible, while earning a similar wage to their past employment. Sometimes, individuals need additional resources to find the job that meets their needs.
Services under the TAA program include:

Skill assessments, Career Counseling, Information on Labor Market data, Job Matching and Job Referrals.

If eligible, funds for Occupational Skills Training/Upgrade of Skills training, On-the-Job Training, Out of area job search and Relocation assistance may also be available.

Trade Readjustment Allowance (TRA) – Income Support while job searching and/or in Approved Training programs. See the website for eligibility requirements and time limitations for TRA.

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) and Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA) – A wage subsidy for a maximum of two years for older workers. The ATAA or RTAA covers a portion of the difference between the wage earned in the job lost due to foreign trade and the wage of new job.

The Kentucky Career Centers – TENCO have individuals trained in Trade guidelines and law. Please contact a KY Career Center in your area for more information or go to the www.doleta.gov/tradeact website.

TENCO Trade Facilitator: Heather Fraley
[email protected]


Unemployment Insurance

Unemployment Insurance is a social insurance program paid by Kentucky employers for workers who have lost their job through no fault of their own. Those needing to file a claim should begin at kcc.ky.gov.


Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR)

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation provides assistance to individuals with disabilities that qualify for services. Disabilities may include physical, mental, drug/alcohol related. Services may include: Training for a new career, Supported employment, Technological Aids and Devices, Job Placement, and Counseling and Guidance. Vocational Rehabilitation services are available in all TENCO counties. To learn more and/or see if you are eligible for services, please visit the Vocational Rehabilitation website: ovr.ky.gov

Or contact the following offices:

Ashland Area:
411 19 Street
Ashland, KY 41101
Phone: 606-920-2338
Fax: 606-920-2779

Maysville Area:
201 Government Street
Maysville, KY 41056
Phone: 606-564-4056
Fax: 606-564-7312

Morehead Area:
1225 US HWY 60 Suite 106
Morehead, KY 40351
Phone: 606-783-8615 or 877-526-1897
Fax: 606-783-8620



Wagner-Peyser staff offer basic labor exchange services such as job referrals, labor market information, and job search assistance. Staff offer services to business standard and customized recruitment, referrals to job vacancies, job candidate qualification and provision of economic, business, and workforce trends. Wagner Peyser services are provided by the Career Development Office.

Tonia Prewitt
[email protected]

Amy Nickel
[email protected]

Steffan Jones
[email protected]

Sophia Henderson
[email protected]

Kentucky Career Center Services

To accomplish increasing access to services in the workforce system, service integration with system partners and understanding where and how customers access services is critical to success. The KCC network is integrated through the partnership of the Local Workforce Development Board, core WIOA partners, KCC Operator, and other required core programs to work together to leverage resources and provide customer-centric services.

The KCC core programs are:

  • WIOA Title I (Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth formula funds)
  • Adult Education and Literacy programs
  • Wagner-Peyser Act employment Services
  • Vocational Rehabilitation programs

KCC Staff and partners should place emphasis on assessment, career counseling, and skill development rather than self-directed activities.

Basic Career Services for Job Seekers

  1. Initial assessment of skill levels (including literacy, numeracy, and English Language proficiency, educational levels), aptitudes, abilities (including skills gaps), self-reflection (including social/emotional skills), and supportive service needs (includes a “go to” person for basic needs resources.
  2. Labor exchange services, including job search and placement assistance, career counseling, provision of information on in-demand industry sectors and occupations, provision of information on nontraditional employment.
  3. Workforce and labor market employment statistics information, including accurate information related to local, regional, and national labor market areas, including job vacancy listings in labor market area; information relating to local occupations in demand and the earnings, skills requirements, and opportunities for advancement for such occupations.
  4. Information, in formats that are useable and by understandable to one-stop customer, relating to the availability of supportive services or assistance, including child care, child support, medical or child health assistance benefits under the supplemental nutrition assistance program, assistance through the earned income tax credit, assistance under State program for temporary assistance for needy families, and other supportive services and transportation provided through funds made available in the local area.
  5. Outreach, intake and orientation to the information and other services available through the one-stop delivery system.
  6. Appropriate recruitment and other business services on behalf of employers, including small employers, which may include providing information and referral to specialized business services not traditionally offered through the one-stop delivery system.
  7. Performance information and program cost information on eligible providers of training services and eligible providers of youth workforce investment activities, providers of adult education, providers of career and technical education activities at the postsecondary level, and career and technical education activities available to school dropouts, and providers of vocational rehabilitation.
  8. Provision of information and assistance regarding filing claims for unemployment compensation.
  9. Eligibility determination.
  10. Referrals to and coordination of activities with other programs and services, including programs and services within the one-stop delivery system and other workforce development programs.
  11. Information, in formats that are useable and by understandable to one-stop customers, regarding how the local area is performing on the local performance accountability measurers and any additional performance information with respect to the one-stop delivery system in the local area.

Individualized Career Services

All eligible customers must be enrolled in individualized career services if KCC staff determine that this level of services is necessary for the customer to gain meaningful employment. These services include:

  1. Comprehensive and specialized assessments of the skill levels and supportive services needs of eligible adults and dislocated workers. These assessments may include use of assessment tools and in-depth interviewing and evaluation to identify barriers and appropriate employment goals.
  2. Development of an individual employment plan (IEP) to identify the employment goals, objectives, and combination of services for the customer to achieve their employment goals.
  3. Group and/or individual career counseling and mentoring
  4. Career planning (case management)
  5. Short-term pre-vocational services to develop learning skills, communication skills, interviewing skills, time management skills, personal maintenance skills, and professional conduct.
  6. Internships and work experiences that are linked to careers.
  7. Workforce preparation activities that assist an individual in acquiring a combination of basic academic, critical thinking, digital literacy, and self-management skills
  8. Financial literacy services
  9. Job search assistance.
  10. Workforce preparation activities
  11. Financial literacy services
  12. Out-of-Area Job Search and relocation assistance
  13. English language acquisition and integrated education and training programs
  14. Follow up services – included support services.

Follow-Up Services

Follow-up services must be provided for customers who are placed in employment for up to 12 months after the first day of employment. These services may include but are not limited to career counseling, mentoring, and emergency support to sustain long-term employment. Follow-up services do not extend the date of exit in performance reporting.

  1. Follow-up services are provided for Adult and Dislocated Worker program participants, who are placed in unsubsidized employment, for up to 12 months after the first day of employment. Counseling about the workplace is an appropriate type of follow-up service.
  2. For the purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation program, follow-up career services are similar to post-employment services, and are provided subsequent to an individual with a disability achieving an employment outcome.

Business Services

Kentucky’s workforce programs are designed to meet the needs of employers in relation to the economic needs of their region. A qualified, adaptable labor market is the primary objective for workforce development in Kentucky. This improvement of the Commonwealth’s economy is accomplished through the alignment of business’s personnel needs and skills training. The Kentucky Career Center Business Service Teams (BST) coordinates, promotes, conducts outreach and/or provides access to workforce partners and resources designed for employer customers.  The BST provides job placement services, customized training, skill development opportunities, and training incentives to job seekers and business customers in the Commonwealth. Business services are aligned with the priorities of the Commonwealth of Kentucky and the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the workforce delivery system strives to align employment, education, and training programs to strengthen Kentucky’s labor market.

In order to accomplish this objective, WIOA mandates six program components which need to be consistently offered by American Job Centers (AJCs) in Kentucky, the Kentucky Career Center (KCC), Youth Workforce Investment Activities, Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities, Adult Education and Literacy, Employment Services, and Vocational Rehabilitation. As defined in WIOA Section 3(13), the core program provision is derived from the following legislation:

  • WIOA Title I Subtitle B Chapters 2 and 3 (relating to Youth, Adult, and Dislocated Worker employment and training activities);
  • WIOA Title II (relating to Adult Education and Literacy activities);
  • WIOA Title III Wagner-Peyser Act Sections 1 through 13 (relating to employment services); and
  • WIOA Title IV Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Title I (relating to Vocational Rehabilitation services)

WIOA, specifically Title III – Wagner-Peyser, gives employers the same level of service and customer-oriented focus that is provided to individual program participants. The programs provided to employers are meant to strengthen their labor force and businesses are given incentives such as subsidized wages for individuals enrolled and undergoing training. Providing quality services to the business community is a mutual beneficial arrangement: companies receive skilled employees while Kentucky develops a higher-skilled, more productive workforce.

According to WIOA Section 108(b)(4)(B) business services are intended to promote, market, connect, and provide access to:

  • Recruitment and Job Placement Services
    • Post Job Openings
    • Customized Hiring-Target Recruitment
    • Veteran’s Services
    • Migrant Seasonal Farm Worker Program (MSFW)
  • Assessments
    • Assessments and/or Computer Testing Resources
    • TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education)
    • Worldwide Interactive Network Career Readiness System (WIN)
    • NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate) ®
  • Customized Hiring – Incentives
    • Work Opportunity Tax Credit
    • Kentucky Unemployment Tax Credit (UTC) program
    • Federal Bonding
  • Rapid Response – Layoff Aversion
  • Worker Adjustment Retraining Notice (WARN)
  • Rapid Response
  • Recruiting employers to Kentucky Career Centers, and
  • Connecting job seekers and employers by facilitating relationships.

In addition to WIOA related resources and requirements, within Kentucky there are additional resources that provide direct services and resources to employers.  These are incorporated within the Business Service strategy and include but are not limited to:

  • Skills Development Initiatives
    • Registered and Industry Recognized Apprenticeship Programs
    • Internships and Work Experience
  • Training incentive programs
    • On-the-Job Training (OJT)
    • Incumbent Worker Training
    • Transitional Jobs
  • Customized training
    • Talent Pipeline Management systems
  • Labor market information
    • Focus Suite, and
  • Sector strategy and career pathway development.

Collectively, these programs are designed to meet the needs of employers in relation to the economic needs of their respective region. An educated, adaptable, qualified labor market is the primary objective for workforce development in Kentucky; this sustained improvement of the Commonwealth’s economy is accomplished through the alignment of business personnel needs and skills training. Kentucky’s Business Service strategy includes a partnership of local and state workforce development organizations dedicated to providing proactive workforce development and skill development resources to business customers. This strategy offers a streamlined approach to assisting businesses with recruiting talent, training new and existing employees, and developing tomorrow’s workforce. At its core, the BST strategy consists of five primary organizations:

  • Kentucky Education and Workforce Development Cabinet (EWDC)
  • Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development (CED)
  • The Kentucky Chamber’s Workforce Center (Workforce Center)
  • Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS)
  • Local Workforce Development Boards

The strategy exists to provide unified, efficient, quality and seamless workforce services and resources to new, existing and expanding companies within the Commonwealth.


The goal for every Kentucky Career Center staff is a quality referral to employment for each job seeking customer. By completing all of the steps above in the assessment and discussing with the customer, staff at this stage should be ready to make the appropriate referrals to employment or to partner.

Any partner referral made on behalf of the customer, staffs should contact the partner in-person, by phone, or by email immediately at the time of referral. Staff shall document the referral by reporting the appropriate service activity listed below.

We use a Google Form to record referrals between partner agencies of Kentucky Career Center – TENCO. This will allow us to have a more accurate count of referrals, track referrals, and follow-up with customers and partners.

Each partner agency would still document the referrals they make and receive in their case management system.

Referral Form link


The link directly below will give you read access to the spreadsheet that is generated when the form is used. Once the referral is entered the One-Stop Operator will send the referral to the appropriate manager/staff member of the receiving agency. Partners would also be able to access the spreadsheet at any time to view incoming referrals.

Spreadsheet link


Holiday Closures

  • Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
  • Good Friday – FIVCO Employees get a full day, State employees get ½ day.
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Presidential Election
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving
  • Christmas
  • New Year’s Eve and New Years Day


  • Administrative Entity: Entity(ies) designated by the CEO to coordinate and administer WIOA activities and services within a local area on the LWDB’s behalf and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, policies, plans, and the terms of this MOU.
  • Chief Elected Official: Identified in WIOA Section 3 Definitions (9) as the chief elected officer of a unit of general local government in a local area or the individual(s) designated under a local agreement pursuant to WIOA Section 107(c)(1)(B).
  • Career Services: The services which shall be available, at a minimum, to individuals who are adults or dislocated workers through the KCC delivery system in each local area. The career services that must be provided as part of the KCC delivery system are listed in WIOA Section 134(c)(2).
  • Cost Allocation: Per 66 Fed. Reg. 29639, cost allocation is the measurement of actual costs in relation to the benefit received in order to determine each partner’s fair share of KCC operating costs.
  • Fair Share: The portion of KCC operating costs allocated to each partner in proportion to the benefits the partner receives from participation in the KCC system.
  • Fiscal Agent: An entity appointed by a local area’s CEO in accordance with WIOA Section 107 (d)(12)(B)(i)(II) & (III)) to be responsible for the administration and disbursement of WIOA and other funds allocated for workforce development activities in the local area. WIOA Section 107(d)(12)(B)(i)(II) provides that designation of a fiscal agent does not relieve the CEO from his/her liability for any misuse of grant funds
  • Kentucky Workforce Innovation Board (KWIB): Established by the Kentucky Governor under Executive Order 2015-422 effective July 1, 2015, to assist the Governor in creating an integrated statewide strategic plan for workforce development which will link workforce policies, education and training programs, and funding streams with the economic needs of Kentucky and its regions and in complying with the provisions and requirements of WIOA Section 101.
  • In-Kind Contributions: 66 Fed. Reg. 29639-29640 defines these types of contributions as donations from third parties that are not to be confused with contributions to the KCC by partner programs of such things as space, equipment, staff, or other goods and services for which the partner program incurs a cost. In-kind contributions may include funding from philanthropic organizations or other private entities or through other alternative financing options, to provide a stable and equitable funding stream for on-going KCC delivery system operations. WIOA 121(c)(2)(A)(ii)(l).
  • Local Area: A local workforce development area designated by the Governor, under WIOA section 106, subject to sections 106(c)(3)(A), 107(c)(4)(B)(i), and 189(i)
  • Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB): The board created by the CEO pursuant to WIOA Section 107 with responsibility for the development of the local plan and for oversight of the workforce development activities in the local area.
  • Additional Partner: Per WIOA 121 (b)(2), an entity that carries out a program not identified as required under WIOA, that is approved by the LWDB and the CEO, may be included as a KCC partner in a local area.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Agreement Period: The MOU must not be for a period to exceed three years. Additionally, per WIOA 121(c)(2)(v), the duration of the MOU and the procedures for amending the MOU during the duration of the MOU, and assurances that such memorandum shall be reviewed not less than once every 3-year period to ensure appropriate funding and delivery of services.
  • Kentucky Career Center One-Stop Delivery System: The KCC delivery system is essentially a collaborative effort among public service agencies, non-profit organizations and private entities that administer workforce investment, educational, and other human resource programs to make the variety of services available under those programs more accessible to eligible job seekers and employers.
  • Kentucky Career Center One-Stop Operator: An entity or consortium of entities designated in accordance with WIOA Section 121(d) to operate a KCC site and to perform KCC service delivery activities in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, rules, policies, plans, and the terms of this MOU.
  • Required Partner: An entity that carries out one or more of the programs or activities identified under WIOA Section 121 (b)(1) and is required under that Section to participate in the KCC delivery system and to make the career services under its program or activity available through the KCC system.
  • Resource Sharing: Per 66 Fed. Reg. 29639, Resource Sharing is the cash and/or resources each partner will contribute to fund its fair share of costs for operation of the KCC system. This can include “in-kind” contributions from third parties to partner programs. The LWDB, CEO and KCC partners may fund the costs of infrastructure off KCCs through methods agreed on by the LWDB, CEO and KCC partners through Resource Sharing.
  • Training Services: Services to adults and dislocated workers as described in WIOA Section 134(c)(3). Per WIOA 134(c)(3)(D) these may include occupational skills training, including training for nontraditional employment, on-the-job training, incumbent worker training, programs that combine workplace training with related instructions, which may include cooperative education programs, private-sector training programs, skill upgrading and retraining, apprenticeships, entrepreneurial training, transitional jobs, job-readiness training, adult education and literacy activities in combination with a training program, or customized training.
  • WIOA: The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity (WIOA)Act amends the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 to strengthen the United States workforce development system through innovation in, and alignment and improvement of, employment, training, and education programs in the United States, and to promote individual and national economic growth, and for other purposes.
  • WIOA Local Plan: Per WIOA Section 108, the local plan is a comprehensive 4-year plan developed by each LWDB, in partnership with the chief elected official and submitted to the Governor. The plan shall support the strategy described in the State plan. At the end of the first 2-year period of the 4-year local plan, each local board shall review the local plan, and the local board, in partnership with the chief elected official, shall prepare and submit modifications to the local plan to reflect changes in labor market and economic conditions or in other factors affecting the implementation of the local plan. Plans identify the respective local area’s current and projected workforce investment needs, the KCC delivery system, performance standards, and strategies to address the workforce investment needs in consideration of performance standards per WIOA Section 116.
  • WIOA State Plan: The term “State plan”, used without further description, means a unified State plan under section 102 or a combined State plan under section 103.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 Acronyms

  • ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
  • ADD – Area Development District
  • AJC – American Job Center
  • ATAA – Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • BDR – Businesses Data Request
  • BLS – Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • BST – Business Service Team
  • BTADD – Buffalo Trace Area Development District
  • CBO – Community Based Organization
  • CDO – Career Development Office
  • CFR – Code of Federal Regulations
  • CLEO – Chief Local Elected Official
  • CRU – Central Records Unit
  • CSA – Cooperating State Agencies
  • CTE – Career and Technical Education
  • DOL – Department of Labor
  • DOLETA – U.S. Depart. Of Labor, Employment and Training Administration
  • DVOP – Disabled Veterans Outreach Program
  • DW – Dislocated Worker
  • DWED – Division of Workforce and Economic Development
  • Department of Workforce Investment
  • ETA – Employment and Training Administration
  • ETPL – Eligible Training Provider List
  • FY – Fiscal Year
  • GED – General Education Development
  • IEP – Individual Employment Plan
  • IFA – Infrastructure Funding Agreement
  • ITA – Individual Training Account
  • ITC – International Trade Commission
  • IWT – Incumbent Worker Training
  • KCC – Kentucky Career Center
  • KEE Suite – Kentucky Enterprise Engagement Suite
  • KOG – Kentucky Online Gateway
  • KY-HCTC – Kentucky Health Coverage Tax Credit
  • LMI – Labor Market Information
  • LO – Local Office
  • Local Plan – Strategic Local Workforce Plan
  • LVER – Local Veterans Employment Representative
  • LWDA – Local Workforce Development Area
  • MIS – Management Information System
  • MOU – Memorandum of Understanding
  • NAICS – North American Industry Classification System
  • NEG – National Emergency Grant
  • NFA – Notice of Fund Availability
  • O*NET – Occupation Information Network
  • OJT – On –the-Job-Training
  • OMB – Office of Management and Budget
  • One-Stop – One-Stop Career Center
  • OVR – Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Perkins CTE – Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act
  • POV – Privately Owned Vehicle
  • PY – Program Year
  • RFP – Request for Proposal
  • RR – Rapid Response
  • RTAA – Re-Employment Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • SCSEP – Senior Community Service Employment Program
  • SETA – Southeastern Employment and Training Association
  • SIC – Standard Industrial Classification
  • STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
  • TAA – Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • TAAEA – Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act
  • TAAR – Trade Adjustment Assistance Reauthorization Act
  • TABE – Test of Adult Basic Education
  • TANF – Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
  • TEGL – Training and Employment Guidance Letter
  • TEN – Training and Employment Notice
  • TGAA – Trade and Globalization Adjustment Assistance
  • TRA – Trade Readjustment Assistance
  • UC – Unemployment Compensation
  • UI – Unemployment Insurance
  • USDE – United States Department of Education
  • USDOL – United States Department of Labor
  • WARN – Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act
  • WBA – Weekly Benefit Amount
  • WDA – Workforce Development Agency
  • WDB – Workforce Development Board
  • WIA – Workforce Investment Act
  • WIASRD – Workforce Investment Act Service Record Data
  • WIOA – Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
  • WPA – Wagner – Peyser Act

Secret Shopper Evaluation

1. Looking for overall satisfaction of their visit to the career center in order to ensure continuous improvement of the system as a whole. This is not a “gotcha” moment. Anytime an issue arises with our delivery of customer service we need to take that as an opportunity to look at our processes and make necessary changes. Any person who walks into our center should receive the same optimum level of service whether they are a CEO, laid off factory worker, or an individual just looking to improve their standard of living through better employment.

2. Secret shoppers will go into the career center either as a job seeker, looking to file unemployment insurance, inquire our OVR or OFB services, or training opportunities.

a. The only staff member who will know who the secret shopper is will be the One-Stop Operator

3. What we are evaluating:

a. Were they greeted in a fashion they felt welcomed and respected?
b. Were they provided information on whatever service they were specifically looking for? Was the menu of services provided to them?
c. If referred to a partner agency, was the referral effective an efficient?
d. Were they given the opportunity to speak with a career counselor?
e. If they utilized the resource room where they satisfied with the technology available? Did the technology work the way it was supposed to? Where they seated in the resource room and never touched again?
f. If met with a partner representative (WIOA, OVR, OFB, Adult Ed. etc.) was the representative able to answer questions and/or made attempts to locate the answer?

4. After their visit to the center, the OSO will interview them on their visit. The interview will focus on the steps in the customer flow process, not individual staff. The evaluation will be shared with management and staff so the data can be used institute action plans for improvement of the system.